Quality Approach
Ulusoy Elektrik, which produces in conformity with national and international quality standards, has the quality of its products certified by routine and specific tests and certificates. It is one of the first 50 companies entitled to receive the ISO-9000 certificate in Turkey. The company has confirmed its quality with ISO-9001:2008, ISO-14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007, TSE, GOST-R documents and test reports have been obtained from internationally accredited laboratories (CESI, KEMA, IPH,ICMET). Ulusoy Elektrik strives towards zero error targeted production and service, continuously raises quality, follows the best practices in its sector and integrates the former into its structure by always targeting the best.
Moreover, Ulusoy Elektrik tests transformer products on-site in conformity with internationally valid Turk-Ak accreditation.